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luxun’s former residence
鲁迅故居  detail>>
former residence; former home
故居  detail>>
former residence of soong ching ling
如宋庆龄故居  detail>>
luxun museum
鲁迅纪念馆  detail>>
works of luxun
编辑鲁迅全集  detail>>
in residence
住校, 驻在的  detail>>
 n.  1.居住,居留;驻在;居住期间;宅邸,公馆;(权利等的)所在。 2.(污染物质等在介质中的)留存,滞留。  短语和例子 ...  detail>>
luxun research monthly
鲁迅研究月刊  detail>>
 n.  1.构成者,创造者。 2.【机械工程】模型,样板,成形[型]设备。 3.【无线电】线圈架。 4.〔英国〕公学及其他中等学校的学生。...  detail>>
the former
前者  detail>>
a bijou residence
小巧别致的住宅  detail>>
a luxurious residence
豪华住宅  detail>>
actual residence
现址 现住所, 实际住所  detail>>
area of residence
住宅面积  detail>>
bilocal residence
从父或从母而居  detail>>
certificate of residence
居留证明书  detail>>
change of residence
改变居住地址 住所的变更  detail>>
change residence
变更住所 迁居,迁徙  detail>>